Sophia A. McClennen

What I'm watching

Trevor Noahs Master Class Its Not Just Fox News This Is the Topic That Needs Noah Oliver Stewart

Satirists break down the hidden agendas behind complicated issues. We need them desperately on TPP

The Staggering Ways America Is Rigged to Traumatize and Impoverish Kids Coming Out of College

Today’s college students are inheriting a world far scarier than any generation before them.

This Is Larry Wilmores Brilliant Moment Its Not All About Trevor Noah on Comedy Central

Noah hasn’t quite found his footing, but at 11:30 p.m., Larry Wilmore is bringing the brilliance night after night

Trevor Noah gives Fox News a free pass: The new “Daily Show” could be great for Ailes and Hannity, bad for America

Trevor Noah debuts tonight, but already there are ominous signs about his approach with this essential institution

(Photo Credit: Comedy Central)

So much for Stephen Colbert dipping his balls in Donald Trump’s mouth

The Stephen Colbert who interviewed Donald Trump last night was a new one – but no less effective

Jon Stewart, come back, we need you: GOP debate bulls**t really does need eviscerating

Just imagine what Stewart would do with the GOP’s anti-vaccine doctors and the ideas that W kept us safe…

Screw U: The GOP’s War on College Students

The Republican platform is out to destroy higher education, and take down students in the process.

Stephen Colbert can save us from Trump — but we all must mock this bozo

When even Megyn Kelly and Fox News can’t derail the Trump train, time to turn to someone who can — Stephen Colbert

Introduction to “Focus: The Human Rights Turn”

The latest issue of American Book Review has a cluster I edited on Human Rights. Check out the issue and intro.

American Book Review.

New book release! The Routledge Companion to Human Rights and Literature

New book release! The Routledge Companion to Human Rights and Literature is now out! Co-edited by Sophia A. McClennen and Alexandra Schultheis Moore, it includes contributions by over 50 scholars.

More information at Routledge.